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Rainin Group

Meet Ross.


"I initially dreaded the idea of installing a new phone system, but Votacall completed the job quickly, effectively, and on our timeline."

Ross Demont, Director of Research at Rainin Group

What does Rainin Group do?

Ross and his team manage the investments of the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, an organization that focuses on improving childhood literacy, investing in the arts, and supporting research that drives medical breakthroughs. 

How do they communicate?

Rainin Group needs to make sure they're always accessible to their clients, which means that having a flexible and reliable phone system is a must. Because the firm doesn't have a designated IT team, they needed to find a way to implement a reliable cloud solution without disrupting their day-to-day business. 

How does Votacall help?

By using our cloud-based solution, Rainin Group makes sure that their phone system is always up and running. Because our service is fully-managed, their employees didn't have to spend much of their own time getting their system set up.    

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