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Access is Everything


Everybody loves features. They demo well and get you excited for the future. However, there's one thing business leaders must consider,
Disjointed features aren't tools, they're just more portals, passwords + clicks to eat away the day.
Your team deserves better, a connected experience in a simple package...
My Votacall...
a different experience
Access is Everything!
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What is
My Votacall?
 Watch the video! 

www.votacall.comhubfsmy-votacall-access-is-everything-popsicleMy Votacall VoIP User Portal

Well it's more than a VoIP User Portal, it's an everything portal because...
Access is Everything!
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Where do we start?
Well, at the beginning of course... 

Single Sign-On (SSO)


We couldn't say "Access is Everything" if we made My Votacall hard to access.

So, we made it easy, see for yourself.
Your My Votacall Experience begins with Single Sign-On (SSO) technology.



It doesn't get easier than this! 

My Votacall uses Single Sign-On (SSO) to securely authenticate users, making all apps and communication tools accessible in just a few clicks.
icons8-google   icons8-office-365
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It's a Productivity Portal


View personal + team productivity in real-time right on the My Votacall homepage.
User View
  • Messaging
  • Call History
  • Apps
  • Active Devices
Team View
  • Active Calls
  • Call Volume
  • Total Talk Time
  • AVG Talk Time
  • SMS Messaging
  • Listen-In Functionality
  • And much more...

Let's Chat!

It's a Training + Coaching Portal

Training is one of the most important, yet overlooked business tool.
How do you scale?
Step 1. Hire great people
Step 2. Offer great training
Step 3. Provide great ongoing coaching
Step 1 is up to you but Steps 2 + 3 are on us!
See how My Votacall transforms into a sophisticated Training + Coaching tool
Take a My Votacall product tour today!

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It's a Reporting + Analytics Portal

Reporting + Analytics

Sales Leaders, CX Leaders + Business Leaders,
My Votacall gives you one place to Access all your data. 
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • Historical Reporting
  • Custom Reporting
  • Customer Dashboards
  • Insight into User, Team + Company Productivity
Tired of multiple portals, websites + logins just to access data?
We agree!
In fact, it bothered us so much that we built My Votacall to fix this productivity glitch!
Take a My Votacall product tour to see it in action!

See My Votacall In Action

It's an Admin Portal
We haven't forgotten about you.

My Votacall puts the power of the solution in your hands.

My Votacall Admin Controls
  • Users
  • Devices
  • Solution, Department(s) + Queue(s) Time Profiles
  • Auto Attendants
  • Call Queues
  • Conference Bridges
  • Call Flow
  • Music on Hold
  • and so much more...
Right from the My Votacall interface.


See how My Votacall places the power in your hands...
Ready To Talk?

It's a Messaging Portal

All your messaging in one place!

  • Voicemail Audio
  • Voicemail Transcriptions
  • Chat
  • SMS
Get a glimpse of My Votacall Messaging

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It's a Communication Portal

Anywhere Access to your communication Apps 

All Votacall Cloud Customers get our Web-RTC client (Chrome) as a communication application and because of Single Sign-On...

You can just click on the Votacall WebPhone and off you go!


Access is Everything
Book a My Votacall Product Tour Today!
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